Sunday, February 13, 2011

what's next?

What do you do when you lose your best friend?  What do you do when the one who made you smile is the one causing your pain?  what do you do when the one person you turned to for everything isn't there anymore? 

Sometimes I wish relationships didn't exist until we were mature enough to handle one..say in our 20's? i dont know but for sure not in our teens.  All heartbreaks would end and no one would be hurt by the one they love.  i know it'll never happen, but a girl can wish though right?  Its close to valentines day and for the past couple years I had no problem with the holiday and I had someone to share it with.  But now the pain of not having a valentine is back.  It's really not that bad, it is after all just one day for people to be lovey dovey with each other and to buy each other chocolates in a heart shaped box. i don't even like chocolate. But what about the people who don't have a valentine supposed to do?  Sit around and feel sorry for ourselves?  no way.  Valentines day is one of the most overrated holidays and i feel it serves no purpose for anyone.  If you love someone show them all 365 days of the year, not just one lousy day.

Questions are buzzing around me about my relationship, or lack there of and honestly i dont feel like answering anyones questions.  Its been a crummy week, and it sucks that that same crummy week involves my birthday, valentines day, and when i lost my best friend.  But i'm not blogging for a pity party by no means, just wanted to get things out of my system.  All I'm saying is if you love someone, don't throw it away.

So those of you out there with no valentine this year, stay strong and beautiful because one day you'll have that special someone that you'll celebrate each others love every day of the year.


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