Thursday, June 23, 2011

pardon my ranting.

Okay sooooo i know i blogged just a few days ago..i think? but theres been a lot on my mind these past couple days. I mean I haven't been able to sleep this past week so ive had plenty of time to do some thinking.  so of course im going to share it with you, whoever you are.
My last blog was about happiness and how ive finally found mine, which is true.  but when i start to think i cant help but to think about the negative things.  One thing in particular i kind of put on a show for people sometimes.  for example i dont know if anyone notices or not but i actually have a pretty low self esteem which i usually hide from others because who wants people to know there not confident?  Im not sure why i have low self esteem really, its just always been like that.  Which is partly why i suck at taking compliments, as dumb as it sounds sometimes I wish people didnt compliment me so i wouldnt feel so awkward when i secretly dont accept it. Another negative thing i think about is it bothers me that people i used to be so close to aren't a part of my life anymore. I know i know, people always say there's a reason why they didnt make it to your future..but why? it just doesnt make any sense.  I am not okay with the fact that people i used to talk to everyday dont even acknowledge me anymore.  Obviously I have to move on and accept it but still i cant help but wonder why? Obviously there are more important problems in the world that make mine seem insignificant  so maybe i shouldnt wonder about the little things? I dont know whatever.  I could go on and on and on with my issues but no one wants to read that..those are just some that really really bug me.

Here's a fun fact..something i've started doing recently.  I'm not one to talk about religion partly because people just argue over it for days and partly because im not the most religious person, which isnt the best thing but i guess it just how i am, for now at least.  Anyways lately for no reason at all I just kind of started reading a lot of bible verses. All of course are inspirational and usually make me feel better? idk it was weird at first but anyways i've started to write down the ones that i like the most in a journal so that way when im feeling not so happy or whatever kind of bad mood, i can go and read my favorite ones and hope that it helps.  I haven't gotten to use it yet because i havent been any kind of bad mood recently, but im sure itll help. 
Okay that's enough ranting for one night!


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