For those of you seniors going away to college next semester and swear up and down they will not miss little campbellsville at all, don't be so sure. In my opinion its a lot harder than you think. This time last year I was so dead set on going to UK, living the college dream, being on my own, moving away from campbellsville and everything boring within it, and getting away from my hectic family. wrong.
If you grow up in small town all your life then that is what you will be used to. Going to a big city where there are crazy people around every corner, and robberies happening all the time is a big change. Don't get me wrong living in the city isnt all bad, it can actually be kind of fun. So don't be so sure about things.
I'm transferring to CU next year and i never thought those words would come out of my mouth. I'm not excited about going to that school at all, but sometimes you have to do what you have to. Although I'm sure i'll only be there for one school year, i miss my family and friends and even my dogs too much to be away from them again next year. and being able to stay in my room instead of small dorm has its definite perks. For one, no community showers or wearing flip flops every time i go into the bathroom!
So all you seniors going away next year, make sure you spend as much time as you can around the ones you wont be with this time next year.
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